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 Listen up folks, there's only two things in this crazy world that you can control 100% of the time - your effort and your attitude. That's it. Everything else is just background noise.

So stop worrying about the past or fretting about the future. Play in the present moment like a kid on a jungle gym. Focus on what's right in front of you. If you waste energy on what happened yesterday, you won't have any left for today. And tomorrow ain't gonna change unless you change. You gotta get better if you want things to get better.

But change is uncomfortable, like wearing shoes on the wrong feet. Stepping into the unknown can make you doubt yourself more than a broken Magic 8 Ball. But newsflash - not every worst case scenario is going to happen! You've made it this far, so stop counting yourself out like you failed 2nd grade math.

If you want to achieve great things, you gotta be willing to fall flat on your face and get back up. Over and over again. The most successful people have failed more times than Charlie Brown trying to kick a football. Embrace the struggle, learn from your failures, and keep moving forward.

And let's talk about other people for a sec. They're gonna judge you and be disappointed no matter what you do. So forget them! Dance to the beat of your own drum, even if everyone else thinks it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Stick to your guns and passionately pursue what sets your soul on fire.

Sure, the journey to success can be lonelier than the Maytag Repairman. The doubters and naysayers will try to drag you down like crabs in a bucket. But you gotta rise above it. Find the folks who have been in the trenches, who understand the blood, sweat and tears it takes. Those are your people.

And when you finally taste success, don't let it go to your head. Stay humble, keep growing, and use your powers for good. Examine your life like Socrates in a toga. Are you chasing the right dreams or just running on a hamster wheel to nowhere?

Remember, even in your darkest moments, you have the power to flip the script. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. You're stronger than you think. And your greatest days are still ahead, waiting for you to claim them.

So dream big, work hard, and never EVER give up. You got this! And if you fall, just remember - life's a playground and you're the kid who always gets back up, dusts themselves off, and keeps on swinging.

NEAL LLOYD               

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